Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter Crafts for Toddler

We've had our fair share of yucky weather lately which means we can't always get outside to play.  So I've been scrounging around for activities to keep my 2.5 year old busy.  I thought I might as well put them as a post in case some of you are in the same predicament!
PS- the crafts I chose had to be made with stuff I already had on hand.

Cotton ball Easter Bunny Craft by Crafts~N~Things for Children

*we did this today & it was a success!

Transparent Eggs by 4 Crazy Kings

Foam Egg Cups by Activity Village

Coffee Filter Easter Eggs by The Active Toddler

How fun are these Easter Bunny Racers by Cafe Mom on The Stir

Again, I love this!  Jelly Bean Bracelet by My Kids Make
(I think I'd have to make it but it would be a big hit!)

When all else fails here's a link to a ton of coloring pages.
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  1. Great roundup, Erica. I love those little bunny racers! And coffee filter projects are always a lot of fun.

  2. What a great collection of ideas!! Thanks for sharing these : )

  3. These are such awesome crafts! I have had such a hard time finding craft supplies by me.

  4. This blog is content amazing information about Easter craft which is very useful for me. It very important information about Easter festival.
    Thank you very much for this great information.
    Easter Basket Craft Ideas

  5. Hi! I'd love to make the second craft, but I don't see a link?

  6. Awww this is pretty cool! I love those Easter crafts for kids you shared here especially the foam easter cups. They're simply cute and cool! Love 'em!

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