Thursday, February 3, 2011

Need some advice...

I am so excited to be part of a very unique blog hop. Gail @My Repurposed Life and MeganDVD @ Beauty in the Attempt are hosting “The Bold and the Beautiful-your blog reviewed”.

Please take a look around my blog, check out the layout, pages, buttons, sidebar and gadgets. I would love for you to gently critique my blog. I’m hoping you will leave me some positive feedback about my blog. It would be great if you could give me constructive criticism but be sure to tell me what you like about my blog too! Do you like my pictures? Does my blog load quickly for you? How about the font? All tips and tidbits welcome!


  1. Great blog! It's adorable. I love your header, so cute! I think I will have to try to make this popcorn over the weekend...I like the variety of posts you have on here, the craftyness, and all else! Love the potty chart too, our youngest is getting to about that point, good luck!...Back to the blog, I like your layout, I'd only suggest moving the followers button up so it's easier to find :)
    Keep it up!

  2. Hopping over for the Bold and Beautiful link party.
    I like the clean layout of your blog. It's easy on the eyes and to navigate.
    I especially like your "craft bucket list". What a fun idea, I wish I'd thought of it.

  3. On the blog hop:) I think your header is wonderful! *sigh*

    Your blog has a nice layout. I like the subtle design of the wood on the sides but that you left the main body of the page white, very nice.

    My only suggestion would be to move your archives up a little, and let of the word verification in the comment section.

    Other than that I think the look and presentation of your blog speaks perfectly to your profile piece. Well done:)

  4. Erica,
    I think you have a very nice blog! I love the name and the header picture. I like the clean crisp white with the wood.
    I have a great post today for blog tips, check it out when you get a chance.
    I recommend you have your links open in a new window so that your visitors don't have to search for you with their "back" button.
    I hope this has been fun and that you've made some new friends along the way.
    thanks for participating,

  5. Hello my dear...thank you for linking up to our little hop. I am thrilled that you took the risk. I think your little blog has so much potantial. My only gentle suggestion is to move up your followers to right under you. Many bloggers choose within 1 minute if they plan to follow a new lovely blog they fall upon. I think you can entice and tease them even more to follow you by placement of your followers. Once again this is just a suggestion and I know your blog is still defined by how it will best suit you. :) Thank you for taking the risk and hopefully you have had a delightful time and gained a few new friends along the way. I hope to see more of you in my little corner. Have a great Sunday.

