Friday, February 4, 2011

How to make your links open in a new window

First, I want to thank all the lovely people who have taken the time to check out my blog and give me some wonderful comments!  I have really enjoyed the suggestions!  Gail at My Repurposed Life (one of the ladies that is hosting 'The Bold and the Beautiful Blog Review') suggested that I have my links open into new windows.  Great! do you do that (is what I thought). So I did what I always do when I need to know something...I Googled it!  The links they gave me kept saying that I needed to change the HTML code.  Again...great, but change it where?  So, after fumbling around I was successful and thought this was way easier than I thought.  So, here's a post with pictures to walk you through making this change on your blog.  I am a visual learner and can figure anything out if there are pictures.

First, go to the design tab.

Next, click on the Edit HTML link.

On this page scroll down to the box that says Edit Template. About 7 lines down you'll see <head> you'll want to add the following code <base target='new'/> on the next line. See picture:

Lastly, click the Save Template button and you are done.  Now, I will warn that you should probably download your template before starting incase something goes wrong. 
(Right above the Edit Template section is the Backup/ Restore Template and there's a link that says Download Full Template.  )
I hope this information helps!