Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday's Fabulous Finds {for boys} week 1

I thought it'd be fun to start featuring my favorite boy related findings each Friday.  Each week I come across so many neat & creative boy projects and thought I'd put them in one place for us moms with boys. 

Check out this adorable boy themed fabric stamping tutorial over at Monkey See Monkey Do.  I am definately going to try this! While you're there check out her tutorial page because she has a ton of really cute boy projects. 

Image source: Monkey See Monkey Do

Maybe I particularly like this next project because we are a farming family but I think it is really clever! Angie at The Country Chic Cottage came up with her own twist on name art using parts of tractor logos to spell her son's name.  Love it!

The last project I wanted to feature was created by Narelle over at Cook, Clean, Craft,  She put her own twist on the Felt Car Playmat.  It starts as a little house which is so easy to transport.

Image source: Cook, Clean, Craft

Then, can fold out into a cute little town with all your child's favorite places! 
(love the little construction site!)

Image source: Cook, Clean, Craft

Happy Friday! 


  1. Great picks, Erica! I love the tractor name art... too cool. Your feature button is seriously fabulous!

  2. Thanks so much for the feature!! :)

  3. Wanted to let you know that I awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award. Congratulations. Thanks for having such a great projects. Feel free to play along. Directions will be in my post, up shortly.

  4. Your travel bib post has been featured in my sunday linky this week! Check it out here :)
