Monday, February 28, 2011

Fold n Go Travel Bib {TUTORIAL}

 Remember my post here about my Travel Bib?  Here's a little recap of the features:

Well, here' s the much anticipated tutorial. 
This tutorial is meant for personal use.
Please do not sell Fold N Go Bibs made from this tutorial.

Rounding up Materials & Making the Pattern


Fabric: This bib does not require a lot of fabric so you probably have enough on hand.  The front, back, and pocket could each be cut from 11 x 14 squares (make sure they coordinate).
Bias tape: a few scraps will work because you only need a total of 4” (with an option of using another 9” for the pocket) **you could easily make your own by cutting a strip of coordinating fabric & either using a bias tape maker (I totally recommend buying one.  I have a cheapy from JoAnns.  It was like $5) or iron it in half length-wise and then iron each side in so it touches that center line. 
Snaps: 2 sets (you could probably make do with Velcro if you don’t have snaps)
Basic sewing notions & sewing machine

Make pattern-

        Go grab your favorite bib.  I love these Carter’s bibs that I have & they are what I used.  Fold it in half and trace just the top half on some sort of sturdy paper.  I used this paper bag type paper that I had lying around.  Freezer paper or butcher paper works well too.

2.    Using a straight edge of some kind, extend the “fold” line so that it is 8” long and the bottom edge needs to be 4 ¾” long. Then you’ll just have to join the bottom edge with the curved portion of the straps.  See pictures if this was too confusing (I’m a visual person). 

*word to the wise be careful not to mark on your bib like I did when making the pattern (haha)! Also, make sure to label the side that gets cut on the fold so you don’t forget.

3.    We are finished with the bib “body” Now let’s make the pocket. The pocket pattern piece is just a rectangle measuring 9 ½” by 5 ¾”.  At the top of the rectangle make a note that it needs to be cut on the fold.
Sewing the Bib
Cut out your pieces.  You need a front & back for the main bib and then the pocket.

      Reinforce the top of the pocket.  Sew a piece of bias tape across the top of the pocket but you could just topstitch across the top and I think it would be good enough! 

     Mark your pocket lines.  Fold the pocket piece in half and iron so that you have a line down the center.  Measure 2” out on either side of the center line and mark 2 vertical lines (these are for the 3 compartments).  The lines I made were hard to see so I marked them in red so you could see where they go.

Now pin the pocket piece to the back piece of the bib & sew down those 2 lines you drew. 

      At this point we are going to baste the little ‘wings’ in place before attaching the front.  Measure ½ way from the neck opening to the bottom of the bib (it should be 8”).  So, you will want to place the ‘wings’ 4” up on either side.  Make sure you center the ‘wings’ over that 4” mark (so ½ inch below & ½ inch above **see top picture above**). Oh, and pin the ‘wings’ facing in. Double check that they match up by folding the bib in half.  The ‘wings’ should lay on top of each other. If they are positioned correctly then go baste these on so they stay in place.  **I baste them to the front piece so I don’t have to deal with the pocket but you could baste to either and I think it’d turn out fine.

     Take the front piece and pin it, with right sides together, to the back piece.  Double pin about 2” above the pocket on one side then again another 2-3” above that.  These will indicate start and stop places since you will need to leave a 2-3” opening for turning it right-side out.

      Now it’s time to sew the bib together.  I use a 1/2” seam allowance.  Remember to start and stop where you double pinned!  You will need to be able to turn it back out.   **Remember to do a couple back stitches at the start & stop points to reinforce it.

     Once you’re done sewing, trim the edges & clip the corners & around the neck & straps.  I use pinking shears on those parts. Then turn it right-side out pushing out the corners.  Then iron it flat. **Do NOT trim anything by the opening where you did not sew because you want some fabric there to make it easier to sew shut.

     Topstitch around the outside about 1/8” making sure to close the opening.  **I learned the hard way that flannel does not want to cooperate when topstitching!  You’ll notice how wobbly my topstitching is- oh well this is just a learning experience!

     Add snaps to the neck straps & the little ‘wings’ and you’re done!  Go find an infant spoon & a travel pack of wet ones (or an infant wash cloth) to stick in the pockets! 

Please email me if any part of this was confusing and you need more information or help:
If you are not interested in making your own and would like me to make it for you please email me at


    Keeping It Simple Making
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  1. Great tutorial, Erica! Love that you make the pattern from a bib you already have and love the snap "wings".

  2. I found you through not just a housewife. Great idea and great tutorial. I may need to make one and stash it in the car. I'm always forgetting bibs and child-size forks etc. Thanks!

  3. This is so incredibly clever! Thanks for sharing! I saw your post on Not Just a Housewife's "Show Me What You Got" and am now following your blog. :-)

  4. Cute and easy... great tut.
    I saw your link on Not Just a Housewife's

  5. Your blog is adorable! I'm also a boy Mom :) I'm a new follower and hope to keep in touch with you! :)

  6. What a cute idea! I love this! I'm definitely going to save it for later once I need these!

  7. That is such a great idea! I have lost a ton of baby spoons at restaurants. Love it!

  8. That looks so simple. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Love this! Thank you for the tutorial.

  10. I really love this. Since I have a new grandbaby due in September, this will make a lovely, unique gift. Thank you for sharing your creativity.
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  11. Thank you for this tutorial, my other 2 grandsons are too old for this, and probably the youngest is getting a little too old for a bib, but i will make it anyway, because I remember what it is like to travel with little ones and try to feed them without too much mess (ha, ha)

  12. .

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  13. Thank you for the tutorial! I made a couple of these bibs and love them! I modified the snaps that fold it up so that it is held together tighter. You can see mine here:

  14. cacao powderbdsm
    Thank you for the tutorial! I made a couple of these bibs and love them! I modified the snaps that fold it up so that it is held together tighter. You can see mine here:

  15. I found this stuff really valuable for me because I am a world traveler and have to carry a lot of things with me on every next journey. I will surely get advantage of it and hope that you will share more useful things soon.

  16. This tutorial is NOT copyrighted. This product is NOT an original. Here is the original design.

    This basically means that we CAN sell the finished product (not the design) because it is NOT copyrighted by this person. Unless this person can SHOW a copyright to a finished product, you are perfectly fine to sell this. Consult with a lawyer to be sure and look online. Here is what it says:

    Some people and sites such as claim that a pattern designer has no legal standing when they restrict you from selling the finished product. They have some good points, but they seemed a bit biased and very pugnacious so I also looked on the US Copyright Office website, which has this to say:
    Section 102(b) In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.
    It seems to me that 102(b) describes exactly what a pattern does – it provides a procedure and process for making the garment which is depicted. Procedures cannot be copyrighted. So if this is indeed the case, you cannot copy and redistribute the actual pattern or the pictures (or maybe you can – see below), but anything you make using the process described is fair game for selling.

  17. I think this is so cute and practical, I showed this to my daughter and she would like me to make it for her 1 year old daughter. I was wondering how long the bib is in total inches, when the extra 8" is added.
    Thanks, Joan
