Thursday, April 7, 2011

Guest Posting at Gwenny Penny!

Hey everyone!  I am over at Gwenny Penny today guest posting.

Come check out my Fabric Stamping Tutorial!

PS While you're there check out Gwen's current giveaway.  You could win $50 credit toward design services at Simply Klassic Custom Blog Design! I know I wouldn't mind some professional help around this blog!

I hope everyone else is able to enjoy a beautiful spring day like we will be!
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  1. Hi Erica!

    I am a new follower from Gwenny Penny:)
    I have an 18 month old son and it is hard to find good boy inspiration, so when I saw your blog I just had to follow:)

  2. Thanks so much for guest posting over on my blog, Erica. Great tutorial!

    P.S. Thanks for mentioning my giveaway :)
