Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What to do during a blizzard... Make bias tape!

Ok, so if you haven't noticed the Mid-West is being hit by a horrible storm system. The first round came last night and blanketed everything with this:

Yeah, that's ice!
and it's covering EVERYTHING!

This gave me the perfect chance to try out Dana's new tutorial on Bias Tape.  It was way easier than I thought.  Check out the tutorial here

The worst part was the ironing...she suggests putting on a show.  Let me add, if you have kids it will take you a couple shows!

I think I may have gone a little crazy.  One yard of fabric and a lot of ironing later....
Ta da! 

But well worth it when you have a huge strand (is that the right name?) of bias tape that is unlike anything you can buy off the shelf! 
I can't wait to use this on a project!


1 comment:

  1. Whoa, that's a lot of bias tape! I love making bias tape for projects. It's tedious, but it's worth the final result.

