Monday, January 10, 2011

My New Best Friend

love consignment shops!  Look at my great finds! Oh, and all the clothing items were 1/2 off because they are winter.
This cute picture was brand new and still in the packaging!  My son LOVES  trains and he has a lot of blue in his room so this couldn't have been more perfect! 
Look at the adorable train!
The next is a Polo brand red sweater for my rapidly growing 6 month old.  It seems like I turn my back and he has outgrown all his current clothes!  I wish I would have found this for Christmas but I figure he can wear it all February!
Then I found this adorable teddy bear sweater.  
{Notice the teddy bear in the pocket!}
Here is the embroidery:
Then, by chance, I picked up this overall set and it matches the sweater!
Here is a close up.
In this economy it is so important to save money where you can.  I would love to be able to make all my children's clothes but it just isn't going to happen!  I haven't even touched my sewing machine since Christmas...I think I burned myself out!

  Happy Hunting! 

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