Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Potty Training {Train Chart}

Lately, I've been spending my days trying to potty train my 2 1/2 year old. NOT FUN!  I am not following any particular theory or system just kinda making it up as I go.  I am doing a no pressure sort of thing.  Partly because I am not sure he is really ready.  Well, I came across the perfect sticker chart for him.  This kid is obsessed with Choo Choos.  He got a few Thomas trains for his 1st birthday (we put them away since he was too young for them at the time and finally pulled them out when we moved in our new house this summer).  He has been hooked ever since.  For Christmas he got a train table and he's almost inseperable!  I found this perfect chart at Crumbs in my Couch she did all the leg work making the train stickers for a printable train track chart at Child Avenue here.  I let K 'decorate' it first... he wasn't too into the coloring.

{If you notice in the picture above we started from the wrong end...the train is facing the wrong direction.  Oh well, K doesn't seem to care. }

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Years Blog Resolution

I know it's a little late to just now be making a resolution but hey the month's not over yet!  The revelation came to me in the shower today {don't all good revelations come to us in the shower!}
After totally burning myself out with sewing gifts for Christmas {I need to learn to ease into things not go straight for the high dive!} I have had a hard time getting any motivation to make anything.  I literally open our office/sewing room/laundry sorting area, throw in a basket of laundry, and quickly shut the door.  Much of my lack of motivation was me procrastinating the clean up & organization of the mess that I called my sewing area!

Well, with that finally done I was still not finding any motivation (partly because of guilt for not posting & just wanting to give up).

Then today {in the shower} I thought,
**I don’t always have to post about crafting! **
There are so many great blogs that I follow who often post about their day to day life. It really helps you get to know them. 

So, my blog resolution is to just post.  Whether it’s a craft or sewing project or just something cute my kids did. 

I want to leave you will a cute Valentine's Idea that I'd like to try.  This is from Martha's wonderful site. You can see the tutorial here.

Aren't these cute?

For those of you who follow me- thanks for sticking with me! 


Monday, January 10, 2011

My New Best Friend

love consignment shops!  Look at my great finds! Oh, and all the clothing items were 1/2 off because they are winter.
This cute picture was brand new and still in the packaging!  My son LOVES  trains and he has a lot of blue in his room so this couldn't have been more perfect! 
Look at the adorable train!
The next is a Polo brand red sweater for my rapidly growing 6 month old.  It seems like I turn my back and he has outgrown all his current clothes!  I wish I would have found this for Christmas but I figure he can wear it all February!
Then I found this adorable teddy bear sweater.  
{Notice the teddy bear in the pocket!}
Here is the embroidery:
Then, by chance, I picked up this overall set and it matches the sweater!
Here is a close up.
In this economy it is so important to save money where you can.  I would love to be able to make all my children's clothes but it just isn't going to happen!  I haven't even touched my sewing machine since Christmas...I think I burned myself out!

  Happy Hunting! 