Saturday, December 4, 2010

Homemade Man Gift

First of all I want to apologize for being MIA.  My computer decided to fall apart {it couldn’t have anything to do with a 2 year old standing on it J } Luckily $45 later at a local computer store (Best Buy wanted to send it away for a minimum of $80) and it’s good as new.  The best part is that they cleaned it…no grimy fingerprints all over the screen! Anyway on to what I’ve been working on.
I LOVE this idea! My father-in-law has a little bar in his basement and these will go perfect.  I found the basic idea here but tweaked it a bit and came up with: 
Quilted Vintage Beer Ad Coasters! 

Look at all the great ads I found… these are going to be a big hit! 

Oh and before I go let me show you my finished Christmas card.  *I LOVE IT!*
I made this on scrapblog {let me warn you if you've never used the site- it's addicting!} Then for a couple bucks you can have a high res. picture sent to you and I am having them printed at Walmart as we speak and can get them in the mail Monday.  I love not having to wait for my cards to come in the mail!  
Enjoy your weekend!

{PS 3 weeks until Christmas!}


  1. Those coasters are amazing, Erica! What a cute idea. It's so hard to find cool crafts to make for guys. I know a couple of men who would love these. Did you use iron-on transfer paper or print directly on the fabric?

    By the way, your family is adorable:)

  2. I used the iron-on transfer paper... and just reversed the images.
