Friday, October 22, 2010

Halloween Booties

I guess I'm just on a roll with the Halloween sewing.  I had an orange sweatshirt from Goodwill that I thought would make some really cozy booties for my litttle one.  I have a confession: I finally got it right on the third one I made (yes I had some experimenting to do) but I ran out of material to make a matching one so bootie #2 & #3 are the set but they are a little different- oh well!  The picture doesn't show the differences (on purpose!).  At least I now have my pattern so when Thanksgiving or Christmas come I can whip some up and having a matching set!  What I love is these will literally take 20 min tops because there isn't a lining.  Well, I am off to finish Batman and Robin costumes for the boys... I can't wait to post pictures of those! 


  1. Cute! I bet they are super comfy too!

    -Rochelle @

  2. These are so cute! Great idea using a sweatshirt. I like the green & white trim, too.
