Monday, November 14, 2011

My First Craft Fair!

By chance I signed myself up for a craft fair!  I've never done one before but have always been interested.  My main hesitation has been my what to do with them!  My husband works. ALOT. He runs his family's business and then farms on the side (like the few hours left in the day once you've worked a full time job). So we really don't see him much.  But things all fell into place because my wonderful mom & her husband are coming down for Thanksgiving!  They will be here from Wednesday night through Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend.  Yay! help!  So, knowing I'd have coverage for my boys I am going full steam ahead getting ready for this thing.  It's in a small town near me & the whole town does an 'open house' type thing so I think there will be plenty of traffic. 
Here's what I've done so far in preparation:
1. I got a smart phone & ordered the 'Square' device which will allow me to accept credit cards.  I got the phone for free since I was available for an upgrade and I went with the iphone 3 (older version).  The 'Square' is free and came pretty quickly.  The app is also free and I downloaded that right away.  It took a little longer to set up the bank account you want the money deposited into. 
2. I've been sewing in bulk!  I think I've made 2 dozen burp cloths & have another 1 dozen to make, and have about 60 t-shirts that I'm doing reindeer & ties.  I've made other things too (did I mention I signed up for another craft fair the following weekend!  It was only $10 so I figured I'd take whatever I didn't sell at the first one).
3. My main focus for this post was to share the child size mannequin I made today.  I bought the pattern here.  It came together really fast & didn't take very much fabric.  It is size 2T& will be a great prop for my table.  Here is how I want to pose it:

On this cute tiny red chair we rescued... it needed a little TLC & still does but the mannequin hides some of the flaws.
With or without the Santa hat?

The tie is one of a set I whipped up last night for my boys' Christmas card photos. 

I feel like this little guy is a part of our family now!  He's a little lumpy because I stuffed him with scrap fabric but with a t-shirt on nobody will ever be able to tell.  I think I'll make a couple more since I have a couple t-shirt designs to display. 

Here's my next project to finish:

A pennant banner to hang on the table. 
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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Christmas Wedding Present

So last weekend my hubby and I got a much needed little get away (from the boys) for a family wedding.  We had a fantastic time.  I thought I'd share the gift I made for the couple.  I was inspired by all the awesome Mr. & Mrs. gifts I've seen on different blogs & Etsy... just do a search for Mr. & Mrs. wedding gifts and you will see so many amazing wedding gifts! 
His and Her stockings! 
 I thought how perfect for them to hang up on their first Christmas!
I went for a very classic red, white, and black color scheme.. wanted them to feel formal.

The lipstick kiss is embroidered by my machine.  I was torn whether or not to also go with an embroidered applique like the mustache but I really like how you can see all the ridges with the embroidered kiss. 

The mustache pattern I purchased from Etsy for my embroidery machine.  I am slowly getting the hang of the embroidery possibilities. The key was realizing that I could transfer the designs... myself!  I was under the impression that I had to go back to the shop to get them transfered to my sewing machine. That just wasn't going to happen with 2 little boys tagging along!

 I wish I had my Christmas decorations up... so I'd have better pictures. 
I am not a pre-Thanksgiving decorator.  Now that I've created the pattern I might be churning out some more stockings... I've always wanted matching Christmas stockings for our family! 
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